Corporate Governance


Audit committee

Our Company established an audit committee with its written terms of reference in compliance with the Listing Rules. The primary duties of the audit committee are to review and supervise our Group’s financial reporting process and internal control system, nominate and monitor external auditors and to provide advice and comments to the Board on matters related to corporate governance.
The audit committee of our Company consists of three members, being Mr. Wong Chik Kong, Mr. Chan Chung Kik Lewis and Mr. Lee Kwok Lun, of which Mr. Chan Chung Kik Lewis currently serves as the chairman.

Remuneration committee

Our Company established a remuneration committee with its written terms of reference in compliance with the Listing Rules. The primary duties of the remuneration committee are to make recommendations on the remuneration of our Company’s senior management and members of the Board.
The remuneration committee of our Company consists of four members, being Mr. Li Cheuk Kam, Mr. Wong Chik Kong, Mr. Chan Chung Kik Lewis and Mr. Lee Kwok Lun, of which Mr. Wong Chik Kong currently serves as the chairman.

Nomination committee

Our Company established a nomination committee with is written terms of reference by reference to the provisions of the Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules. The primary duties of the nomination committee are to make recommendations to the Board regarding candidates to fill vacancies on the Board and/or in senior management.
The nomination committee of our Company consists of four members, being Mr. Li Cheuk Kam, Mr. Wong Chik Kong, Mr. Chan Chung Kik Lewis and Mr. Lee Kwok Lun, of which Mr. Li Cheuk Kam currently serves as the chairman.


Our Company has adopted a board diversity policy which aims to achieve diversity on the Board, and a sustainable and balanced development of the Company. Our Company recognises and embraces the benefits of having a diverse Board to enhance the quality of its performance. In designing the Board’s composition, the Board should have a balance of skills, experience and knowledge in the industry and diversity of perspectives appropriate to the Company's business.

  • Board Diversity Policy


    Our Company has adopted a whistleblowing policy to provide formal channels and guidance to facilitate the raising of matters of concern by the employees of the Group and those who deal with the Group (e.g. customers, suppliers, creditors and debtors) (the "Third Parties", each a "Whistleblower"), in confidence, without fear of reprisals. Procedures have been formulated to enable the Whistleblower to report to the Group directly (addressed to the Head of Group's human resources department) suspected improprieties.

  • Whistleblowing Policy


    Our Company has adopted an anti-corruption policy to set out the guidelines and responsibilities of the employees of the Group, the Third Parties and those acting in an agency or fiduciary capacity on behalf of the Group. The Group is committed to maintain a high standard of integrity, openness and discipline in its business operations. This Policy forms an integral part of the internal control framework which include the CG Code and the Whistleblowing Policy, outlines the Group's expectations and requirement of business ethics, as well as the investigation and reporting mechanism of suspected corruption practices.

  • Anti-Corruption Policy


    Our Company will disseminate the future corporate communications of the Company (the “Corporate Communications”) to its Shareholders electronically and only send corporate communications in printed form to the Shareholders upon request. Please refer to the arrangment in below link for details.

  • New Arrangements on Dissemination of Corporate Communications
  • Dissemination of Corporate Communications